to push down
返回 20 条匹配短语对
down to earth salt production
down to the Ground
hot deformationopped down to wi
subtropical anticyclone to down eastward
support from up to down
the migration from up to down
distance from the foramen ovale to the anterior root of the temporomandibular articular tubercle and to the incisure and to the incisure of the infrazygomatic crest
a form of address formerly used by an employee to his employer or tenant- peasant to his landlord
a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions
ability to resistance to great distortion
able to talk to or get on with
Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world
analogue to time to digit
analogue to time to digital
anomalies related to and not related to mineraliza
aversion to cold and aversion to heat
Carry to face to seal completely vice
Design to conform to the international standards
弹簧线gynecologicalSuperficial vein in the back of handcardiac resuscitation晶格中的空位cobalt orthosilicate本地交换机运营商dairy industrySteel Wire For Welding